Our commitment
To PEAK Financial Group and its affiliates, PEAK Investment Services, PEAK Securities and PEAK Insurance Services (hereinafter called "PEAK"), the confidentiality of the information we hold about you is to of extreme importance.
Since our inception, we have striven to maintain a reputation for excellence in the industry and we are eager to extend this level of excellence in the protection of confidential information relating to our customers. To better protect you, we have put in place a policy on the protection of personal information we collect.
Why do we collect information about you?
We collect information about you to enable us to offer a level of service you are entitled to expect from us and thus we ensure that we offer the products best suited to your needs.
We collect only the information needed for these purposes. This information is required in order to comply with various laws and regulations in our different areas of expertise.
What information do we collect about you?
We collect only the information necessary for the pursuit of our business, including, without limiting its scope:
The personal information required to open an account: your name, address, telephone number, date of birth, marital status, social insurance number, citizenship and number of dependents. All documentation necessary in order to comply with the legislation on money laundering and terrorism.
The information needed in order to comply with different laws on securities: banking information, your occupation and the name of your employer, your annual income, your net worth, your investment knowledge level, your investment objectives, level of risk tolerance and your investment horizon. Any other relevant information to enable us to provide products and services to suit your needs and your expectations.
Who has access to this information?
Only the following persons will have access to the information collected about you by PEAK:
PEAK employees assigned to administrative duties required to open your account, the application processing services subsequent to the opening of your account and supervisory functions;
Any subcontractors with whom we have a confidentiality agreement, which PEAK hires for administrative purposes;
Your advisor and his employees;
All persons duly authorized expressly by statute or regulation;
All persons specifically designated by you.
How do we keep the information?
The information collected about you is stored at our head office as well as in our various branches on computer or on paper. We also do business with a firm specializing in this field to archive the information we have transferred onto computer.
We ensure that the information we hold about you is retained appropriately and that only those mentioned above will have access to it. In addition, we will only keep personal information about you for the period prescribed by law.
How to access your information?
You can have access at all times to the information we hold about you. You can ask us to modify your details by sending a written request to this effect to the attention of PEAK Financial Group, c / o Privacy Officer at 2000 Mansfield Street, Suite 1800, Montreal, Quebec, H3A 3A6.
We promise to reply as soon as possible.
Center Financier Carrefour complaints policy
We reiterate our commitment to meet your expectations and we thank you for your trust in the PEAK Financial Group.
Being part of Peak Investment Services, for a group savings complaint, such as Investment Funds, Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), here is the procedure to follow:
If you believe that the information we hold about you has not been treated in accordance with this policy, you have the right to complain by contacting our compliance department at the following email address
If your complaint is justified, we undertake to take the necessary measures to rectify the situation as soon as possible. For any other complaint that does not apply to mutual fund sales representatives affiliated with Peak Investment Services, here is our complaint resolution policy updated on December 17, 2017.
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© All rights reserved for Centre Financier Carrefour.
Updated version, as of Septembre 7, 2023.
As a branch in
collective savings